November Updates

Mark Moeykens
Nov 13, 2021

Apple Books Changes in Monterey

When macOS Monterey was released, it came with an updated version of Apple Books.

This caused some trouble for some authors.

It looks like the margin for the navigation buttons are not only wider but now extend the whole height of the book.

This means in the case below, if you try to tap that play button in the lower-left of the video, you'll be navigated to the previous page.

This probably wouldn't be so much of a problem but we also found that we need to tap the video twice now to play it.

This prompted me to update this page in my books with a new note:

SwiftUI Views Quick Start Updates

If you don't have SwiftUI Views Mastery then you might want to update your copy of SwiftUI Views Quick Start.

I updated and included even more content (over 300 pages now).

Essential SwiftUI Animations Updates

(Formerly known as SwiftUI Animations Quick Start.)
This book was also updated for iOS 15.

If you don't already have SwiftUI Animations Mastery then you might want to update your copy of Essential SwiftUI Animations.

New Posts

Customizing SwiftUI Tab Views
I discovered this trick in iOS 15 for updating TabViews quite by accident and wrote up how to do it here.

What happened is I had a Text view with a colored background at the bottom of my screen. But the weird thing was the color behind the text had also bled into the TabView!

What was going on?

It turns out any ShapeStyle that touches the edge of a bar (nav, tab, etc) will bleed into that bar.

Now, this is just an observation. I haven't seen any official word on this so it's possible it's a bug and could change in the future.

But in that post, I also include some other ways you can use to customize the native TabView now in iOS 15.

Black Friday

Get ready for some fantastic deals for Black Friday!

Here's what's going to happen:
  1. There will be some pre-Black Friday flash sales (like last year)
  2. You will get notified by email when the flash sale starts
  3. When Black Friday actually starts (Nov 26), all books will be on sale until Dec 10th.

Make sure you have opted in to emails though. You can check by:
  1. Click your profile (upper right)
  2. Select Settings
  3. Scroll down to Options > Notifications and click Edit